All-land values decline 2%

Land Values, Cash Rents Updated in 2025 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report

Aerial photo of a planter in a field near Gothenburg, Nebraska.

Quick Links: Land Values + Cash Rents | Webinars | Custom Rates | Ag Budget Calculator | Land Link 

The interdisciplinary Center for Agricultural Profitability is based in the Department of Agricultural Economics. It facilitates faculty research, conducts extension outreach related to agricultural profitability and farm and ranch management and trains undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

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Analyzing the Profitability of Stacked Extended Crop Rotations for Soil Health using the Agricultural Budget Calculator Program

March 13 at Noon CT

Glennis McClure, an extension farm and ranch management analyst, will discuss strategies with a producer and Agricultural Budget Calculator program user to offer insight on how to use the program to better achieve profitability. 

Jeff Steffen is a Crofton, Nebraska, area producer operating an integrated crop and livestock farm. During the webinar, Jeff will provide an overview of their operation that focuses on stacked extended crop rotations and integrating cow herd grazing on mixed cover crops. Jeff has used the Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) program to analyze cropping scenarios over the last few years. He enters their actual figures into the projected budgets to track what profitability resulted. Overall, he’s been able to estimate enterprise and whole farm profitability with fewer inputs and increased revenue. 

Photo of a field with corn and soybeans.

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