USDA Reports on Land Values and County-Level Cash Rent Estimates in Nebraska for 2024
Article + Podcast
Reconciling the Paradox of Positive Profit and Negative Cash Flow
Article + Podcast
Who Needs to Fill Out a 1099?
Article + Podcast
Quick Links: Land Values + Cash Rents | Webinars | Custom Rates | Ag Budget Calculator | Land Link
The interdisciplinary Center for Agricultural Profitability is based in the Department of Agricultural Economics. It facilitates faculty research, conducts extension outreach related to agricultural profitability and farm and ranch management and trains undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decision-making in agriculture.
Building a Resilient Ag Workforce: Enhancing Retention for Agricultural Employees and H-2A Workers — The Basics
Feb. 13 at noon CT
Building a strong workforce for agriculture is imperative to food security in the U.S. Part of that is increasing retention which, many agricultural companies have been focusing on in the last few years. Good employee retention strategies can help reduce turnover, increase productivity, and improve workplace morale. With the changing ag workforce, H2A workers have become of more interest to many producers in Nebraska. This webinar will cover the basics of what is an H-2A worker, and what the basic steps are when trying to hire H2A workers.

In-Person Workshops
Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops
The latest in land values and cash rents, lease provisions and legal considerations, communication, and farm/ranch transitions.

Returning to the Farm Workshop Series
Families will learn to navigate transition planning by developing financial strategies, improving communication, and creating succession plans.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy: A Succession Series
A multi-state extension workshop series for women in agriculture will offer strategies to evaluate and improve farm estate and transition plans.