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Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops

Photo of farm buildings in winter.

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The interdisciplinary Center for Agricultural Profitability is based in the Department of Agricultural Economics. It facilitates faculty research, conducts extension outreach related to agricultural profitability and farm and ranch management and trains undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

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Weaned Calf Risk Protection Insurance

Jan. 9 at noon CT

The USDA-RMA's Weaned Calf Risk Protection Insurance product focuses on protecting total weight gain of feeder cattle post-weaning. It is available to be purchased but has a one-time sign-up deadline of January 31st to purchase the insurance product. In this webinar, we review what the product is, how it works, things to consider when choosing coverage levels, and how it fits within the broader portfolio of livestock insurance products publicly and privately available to producers.

Photo of weaned calves in pen.

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