Figuring Field Operation Costs Using the Agricultural Budget Calculator Program

Case equipment harvesting corn field.

The Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) Program is a resource to figure machinery field operation and ownership costs. Figures 1 and 3 illustrate sample Field Operation Costs / Acre reports from the ABC program for a couple of different planting examples. Figure 1 shows per acre planting costs of $43.99 when utilizing a new model tractor and planter, while Figure 3 is a similar report showing $26.94 per acre, estimated field operation costs using an older model tractor and planter.  

Information necessary to be inputted into the ABC to run these calculations is illustrated in figures 2 and 4 for each example. 

Examples provided are estimated costs for a newer model tractor (2019) and planter (2022) and then slightly older models of equipment, a 2014 tractor with a 2015 model planter.  Information entered into the ABC program to figure operation and ownership costs for the power units include purchase and list prices, power unit size, fuel efficiency, and estimated hours of usage per year. Similar figures are needed to figure the implement costs except for fuel efficiency and hours of usage, instead, implement coverage rate (acres covered per hour of usage) is needed. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers standard formulas are programmed into ABC to assist with calculating salvage value, repairs, and estimating fuel usage. 

For demonstration or example purposes, Figure 2 provides information for a 1 – 2-year-old tractor with 1,000 tach hours when purchased and a 3-year-old planter.  Figure 4 provides calculations for an 8-year-old tractor with 3,000 tach hours when purchased, and a 7-year-old planter. In both cases, salvage value is figured (estimated) after just one year of ownership. Coverage rate of 15.5 acres per hour remains the same in both field operation examples. A labor rate of $25 per hour with a labor factor of 1.1 was used in the field operation cost calculations.  Cost factors for individual farm operations will vary. 

For more information on creating an account and for further instructions on using the free online Agricultural Budget Calculator, go to:

Figure 1. Planting Example Using Newer Model Tractor & Planter

Figure 1 table image.

Figure 2. Newer Model Tractor and Planter Example - Operating and Ownership Cost Summary from ABC Program

Figure 2 screenshot from ABC program.

Figure 3. Planting Example Using Older Model Tractor & Planter

Figure 3 table graphic.

Figure 4. Older Model Tractor and Planter Example - Operating and Ownership Cost Summary from ABC Program

Figure 4 screenshot from ABC program

Figuring Field Operation Costs Using an Excel Worksheet

Field operation calculations can also be run using other programs or methods. Similar power unit and equipment prices /costs and factors for both the newer and older equipment examples were inputted into an Excel spreadsheet. While some may not have access to the Microsoft Excel program software, the ABC program is a cloud based, online program accessible by anyone. Therefore we provided the examples using the two different resources. The main difference in the field operation cost figures (bottom line) for both examples is that personal property taxes, housing, and insurance costs on the equipment are included in the Excel worksheet while in the ABC program, these costs are entered separately as overhead costs and don’t appear on the field operation summary reports.

Newer equipment model - field operation cost calculation example: Excel file

Older equipment model – field operation cost calculation example: Excel file

January 12, 2024