Nebraska Land Link provides opportunities to connect land seekers with retiring landowners.
Land access is one of the biggest challenges facing aspiring and beginning farmers. For some landowners, they simply do not have the next generation available to take over their operation.
When you apply to Nebraska Land Link, either as a land seeker or a landowner, Nebraska Extension personnel will work to match your application with the most compatible counterpart. Using the answers you submit and offer in a potential interview, Nebraska Land Link matches are based on the shared values, interests and skills of both parties, so that a mutually beneficial and satisfying partnership can be forged over the course of the transition plan.
Before and throughout the process, we work to provide important educational information regarding transfers, communication, negotiations, goal setting and more. And we are here to answer any questions you might have. Email us anytime:
Nebraska Land Link is a project of Nebraska Extension's Farm and Ranch Succession and Transition program and Nebraska Women in Agriculture.
How To Apply
Additional Resources
Nebraska Extension Farm and Ranch Succession
Educational resources for estate and succession planning, land transition and more.
Negotiations Program
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture's Negotiations Program uses mediation as an effective means to resolve agricultural disputes. The mediation process maintains confidentiality, fosters positive relationships, allows you a voice in the solution, and is cost effective.
![land link logo](/sites/
Jessica Groskopf
Extension Educator, Agricultural Economics
Anastasia Meyer
Extension Educator, Agricultural Economics
The University of Nebraska is providing the services under the Land Link program as a service to the public. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims any and all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any services provided under the Land Link program, including, but not limited to, economic loss or loss of opportunity.
This material is based upon work supported by USDA-NIFA under Award Number 2020-70017-32735.