Landowners - Nebraska Land Link

Nebraska Land Link


Soybean field at dusk.


Before submitting your application, we encourage you to watch and read the material in the sections below. This content offers tips for each step of the process, including completing the application, preparing for interviews with land seekers, setting goals and negotiating. Once you submit your application, you will receive an email from a member of the Land Link team to set up an introductory phone call. Now that you have completed these steps, are you wondering what happens next? Click here to learn more about the process.

Applying as a Landowner

Preparing Your Application
Establishing Your Goals
Generational Values to Consider

As you speak with land seekers during interviews, it's important to be aware of the difference in values and communication techniques that can be found across different generations.

Considerations for Interviews with Land Seekers

Once you have selected a land seeker to interview you will need to be prepared to talk about transitioning your farm business. Use this time to ask the land seeker a variety of questions and see if you will be a good match. There is a good chance you will interview more than one land seeker. Try to be patient and open-minded to their ideas and goals.

  • Watch the video prepared on Generational Differences. That will help evaluate the land seeker’s responses given the generational values that they bring to the table.
  • Tell your operation’s story. This helps the land seeker understand the history of the farm and what has been done through the generations.
  • Describe your vision for the farm. Talk about what your expectations are and hopes of what the farm is like in the future.
  • Be prepared to talk about finances and if there is enough income to bring a young farmer to the operation.
  • Making a good match is very important. You need to feel comfortable and make sure your personalities are compatible and the land seeker understands your vision for the business.
  • Do you have any assets or resources that you will be offering to the land seeker to use? Be willing to discuss what the assets are.
  • Be prepared to discuss what your role and responsibilities will be in the transition.
  • Exchange your references, both financial and personal. This will help you decide if the land seeker is a good match.
  • Once the interview is over, talk to your trusted advisors. They can help you formalize your plan and draw up your agreement.
Negotiation Tips

Ready to Apply?


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Questions About Land Link?

Jessica Groskopf

Anastasia Meyer


The University of Nebraska is providing the services under the Land Link program as a service to the public. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims any and all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any services provided under the Land Link program, including, but not limited to, economic loss or loss of opportunity.

This material is based upon work supported by USDA-NIFA under Award Number 2020-70017-32735.