3/12/25 | Updated Nebraska Land Values, Cash Rents Published in 2025 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report | Center for Agricultural Profitability |
2/13/25 | Custom Rates for 2025 Field Operations | Glennis McClure |
2/7/25 | USDA Reports on Land Values and County-Level Cash Rent Estimates in Nebraska for 2024 | Jim Jansen |
2/6/25 | Reconciling the Paradox of Positive Profit and Negative Cash Flow | Tim Meyer |
2/3/25 | Who Needs to Fill Out a 1099? | Shannon Sand |
1/15/25 | Verbal Leases: What Happens If Someone Dies? | Jessica Groskopf |
12/10/24 | Nebraska Women in Agriculture conference registration opens January 1 | Nebraska Women in Agriculture |
12/6/24 | Virtual Series Planned on Organizing Legal and Financial Documents | South Dakota State Univeristy Extension |
11/25/24 | Leaving a Lasting Legacy: A Succession Planning Series for Women in Ag | Nebraska Women in Agriculture |
11/18/24 | Budgeting Family Living into Cost of Production: Why It Matters for Farm and Ranch Families | Anastasia Meyer |
10/8/24 | How To Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets Unequally | Anastasia Meyer |
09/24/24 | Determining a Fair Rent for Farm Buildings | Glennis McClure |
09/04/24 | Setting Custom Rates for Fall Harvest | Glennis McClure |
08/23/24 | Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance | Jessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP® |
08/23/24 | Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance For Debt Coverage | Jessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP® |
08/23/24 | Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance Inheritance Equalization | Jessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP® |
08/23/24 | Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance Backed Buy-Sell Agreement | Jessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP® |
08/12/24 | Managing Risk in Risky Times | Brad Lubben |
08/08/24 | Branching Out: Harnessing the Power of Decision Trees | Jay Parsons, John Hewlett, Jeff Tranel |
08/05/24 | Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops to Offer Updates on Leasing Practices, Succession, and More | Center for Agricultural Profitability |
08/01/24 | Estate Planning: Stepped-Up Tax Basis | Anastasia Meyer |
07/29/24 | Terminating a verbal farmland lease in Nebraska | Jessica Groskopf, Dave Aiken |
07/23/24 | Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting Ownership | Jessica Groskopf |
07/01/24 | Nebraska Ag Land Values Up 5%, Cash Rents Moderating According to 2024 Farm Real Estate Report | Center for Agricultural Profitability |
06/19/24 | 2024 Nebraska Custom Rates: What to Charge? | Glennis McClure |
05/08/24 | Ideas for estate and transition planning: gift leaseback | Jessica Groskopf |
04/22/24 | Net farm income impacts net worth growth | Glennis McClure |
04/09/24 | Ideas for estate and transition planning: gifting | Jessica Groskopf |
02/13/24 | Paying family members on the farm or ranch | Jessica Groskopf |
02/02/24 | The importance of strategic planning for farmers and ranchers | Larry Van Tassell |
02/02/24 | Evaluating risk and financial returns in farmland leases for 2024 | Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes |
12/11/23 | What happens to your farm or ranch if you become disabled? | Jessica Groskopf |
11/02/23 | How Much Nebraska Ag Land Is Owned by Foreign Entities? | Larry Van Tassell |
10/27/23 | Do Only Americans Own America? Foreign Investment in Agricultural Lands in the United States | Larry Van Tassell |
10/20/23 | Will the next farm laborer please stand up? | Elliott Dennis |
09/27/23 | Are you a farmer or rancher over 18? It’s time for an estate plan | Jessica Groskopf |
08/25/23 | Harvest operations: own it or hire it? | Glennis McClure |
08/18/23 | Technology use growing on Nebraska farms and ranches | Larry Van Tassell |
08/14/23 | Tools to Manage Risk in Agriculture | Brad Lubben |
06/08/23 | Using breakeven analysis for better decisions | Larry Van Tassell |
05/22/23 | Keeping stress in check: 10 strategies and tools | Glennis McClure |
03/14/23 | What is the Value of Strategic Planning for Farmers and Ranchers? | Jay Parsons |
02/23/23 | Recognizing Power and Control in Estate Planning | Allan Vyhnalek |
02/22/23 | Meeting Minutes Requirements for Farm and Ranch Businesses | Jessica Groskopf, Dave Aiken |
10/26/22 | 11 Key Management Decisions Made Easier Using the Agricultural Budget Calculator (ABC) | Larry Van Tassell, Glennis McClure, Jay Parsons |
10/20/22 | How To Adjust Rental Payments When Tenants Own the Center Pivot | Jessica Groskopf, Jim Jansen, Allan Vyhnalek, Dave Aiken |
08/23/22 | Adding Another Family Member to the Farm Payroll | Larry Van Tassell |
08/02/22 | Five Key Principles of a Good Risk Management Culture | Jay Parsons |
07/07/22 | Without Trust, How Does a Family Function? | Allan Vyhnalek |
06/20/22 | Rebuilding Fences After Disaster | Jessica Groskopf, Dave Aiken |
05/17/22 | What is the Value of Financial and Business Management to Ag Producers? | Larry Van Tassell |
04/08/22 | Farm Succession Planning: Simple Steps | Allan Vyhnalek |
02/18/22 | Risk Preference Calculator: A Tool to Help Decision-Makers Succeed | Jay Parsons |
01/27/22 | Profitability vs. Feasibility and the Paradox of Purchasing Farmland | Larry Van Tassell |
01/24/22 | Family Goals and Difficult Times | Allan Vyhnalek |
10/04/21 | Tuning to Objectives to Generate New and Better Alternatives | Jay Parsons |
08/24/21 | 2021 Federal Estate and Transfer Tax Law Proposals | Tina Barrett |
08/17/21 | Use of Operating Agreements in Farming Operations | Allan Vyhnalek |
07/16/21 | Farm and Ranch Business Meetings | Jessica Groskopf |
07/14/21 | Keys to Successful Farm Transition Planning | Allan Vyhnalek |
07/07/21 | Long Term Profitability, Balance and Growth of the Farm or Ranch Business | Matt Stockton |
04/27/21 | Can We Be Sorry? Navigating Disagreements on the Farm | Allan Vyhnalek |
04/23/21 | Proactive and Quality Decision-making in Agriculture | Jay Parsons |
04/22/21 | Rising Fuel and Input Prices: Adjusting Enterprise Budgets and Tracking Cost of Production | Glennis McClure |
04/12/21 | Carbon Markets: Questions to Get You Started Thinking About This Management Opportunity | John Westra |
04/08/21 | The Value of Farm Business Policies for Employees | Larry Van Tassell |
04/02/21 | Ag Carbon Offsets and the Carbon Bank | Dave Aiken |
02/26/21 | Cash Rent vs. Mortgage Payments: Which is Best for Me? | Jeff Tranel, Jay Parsons, John Hewlett |
07/21/20 | Who Is on Your Farm and Ranch Management (FARM) Team? | Jessica Groskopf |
06/23/20 | Nebraska’s Estate Plan for Your Farm | Jessica Groskopf, Dave Aiken |
04/27/20 | Custom Farming: An Alternative to Leasing | Glennis McClure |