Avatar for Allan Vyhnalek

Allan Vyhnalek

Emeritus Extension Educator (Retired) Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln


FYH 102
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
402-472-3401 On-campus 2-3401
Allan Vyhnalek has spent over 34 years in Extension working in both Iowa and Nebraska. He is a native of Saline County, Nebraska.Vyhnalek received his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Agricultural Education. He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8 ½ years prior to joining Extension.<br><br>His current role is as Extension Educator for Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition – state-wide.He works from Ag Economics Department at UNL.<br><br>He has a passion for the future of rural Nebraska. That is why he is interested in helping individuals, groups, and communities understand how good communications, negotiation skills and generational differences relate to how communities and families function as we develop Nebraska for future generations.