Farm and Ranch Succession and Estate Planning

grandfather and child in field

Planning for the future of your farm or ranch is essential to its continued success and legacy. The Center for Agricultural Profitability provides farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness professionals with the tools, resources, and education necessary to navigate the complexities of succession, transition, and estate planning.

We aim to empower agricultural producers to make informed decisions that safeguard their livelihoods and support the next generation. We understand that these conversations can be challenging, but proactive planning can reduce uncertainties, minimize tax burdens, and facilitate smoother transitions.

From workshops and webinars to one-on-one consultations and trusted resources, our team of Nebraska Extension experts address the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of passing on your farm or ranch.

Explore our resources and take the first step in preparing for a brighter future for your operation.

Nebraska Land Link

Connecting new land seekers with landowners looking to transition their land.

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10/8/24How To Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets UnequallyAnastasia Meyer
08/23/24Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life InsuranceJessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP®
08/23/24Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance For Debt CoverageJessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP®
08/23/24Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance Inheritance EqualizationJessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP®
08/23/24Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Life Insurance Backed Buy-Sell AgreementJessica Groskopf, Cindy Bojanski, CFP®,RICP®
08/01/24Estate Planning: Stepped-Up Tax BasisAnastasia Meyer
07/23/24Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting OwnershipJessica Groskopf
09/27/23Are you a farmer or rancher over 18? It’s time for an estate planJessica Groskopf
02/23/23Recognizing Power and Control in Estate PlanningAllan Vyhnalek
07/07/22Without Trust, How Does a Family Function?Allan Vyhnalek
04/08/22Farm Succession Planning: Simple StepsAllan Vyhnalek
01/24/21Family Goals and Difficult TimesAllan Vyhnalek
08/24/212021 Federal Estate and Transfer Tax Law ProposalsTina Barrett
07/21/21Setting Expectations for a Land Link RelationshipJessica Groskopf
07/14/21Keys to Successful Farm Transition PlanningAllan Vyhnalek
04/27/21Can We Be Sorry? Navigating Disagreements on the FarmAllan Vyhnalek
06/23/20Nebraska’s Estate Plan for Your FarmJessica Groskopf, Dave Aiken
06/12/20Generational Needs and Expectations For Successful Farm and Ranch SuccessionAllan Vyhnalek
04/24/20Preparing for Farm and Ranch Succession: How You Select a LawyerAllan Vyhnalek
04/22/20Assumptions (Mistakes) that Parents Make with Estate Plans 
10/19/19How Emotions Affect Farm and Ranch SuccesionAllan Vyhnalek
03/06/19Land Transition Can Lead to Unintended ConsequencesAllan Vyhnalek