Early Weaning Calves: Management, Nutrition and Profitability (Aug.5, 2021 Webinar)
August 5, 2021
- Karla Wilke, Associate Professor and Cow/Calf Specialist, UNL Animal Science
- Randy Saner, Beef Systems Educator, Nebraska Extension
- Matt Stockton, Associate Professor and Extension Agricultural Economist, UNL Agricultural Economics
- Jay Parsons, Professor and Farm and Ranch Management Specialist, UNL Agricultural Economics
Early weaning beef calves can be a helpful management practice for many cow-calf operations, especially where quality forages may be lacking due to drought and other factors. How you manage the calves depends largely on the age of the animals and the producer’s goals. This webinar will explore different options and best practices for early weaning, covering nutrition, costs and potential benefits. The presenters will cover management-related topics like digestibility, passage rate through the rumen, vaccinations and feeding. The business side of the presentation will cover breakeven costs for feeding early weaned calves, risk management tools, marketing and more.